6 |
Panasonic Small Business Computers [Advert]
13 |
British Genius [Advert]
33 |
micronetworks introduce PM1000 [Advert]
41 |
Editorial [Article]
Peter Laurie Prestel on the line.
43 |
Feedback [Article]
User's letters covering topics including Benchmarks under attack, cassette quality and Apple Pascal problems.
46 |
The British answer to imported best-sellers [News Item]
A new venture has been set up to manufacture and sell a British microcomputer, designed to compete with international best-sellers like the Apple and the Pet. The machine is the Z-80-based Gemini 801 which was originally launched at Compec 80, and has since been modified.
46 |
Reading that matters [News Item]
Zilog, the manufacturer of a wide range of microprocessor hardware products, has produced the 1981 edition of the Zilog Data Book. This volume will form an essential part of any professional's library.
46 |
Typesetting standards [News Item]
A printer has now emerged equipped with an extremely fast Linotype-Paul photosetter and a genuine NGA badge.
46 |
Inexpensive channel to micro communications [News Item]
Communication between computers is destined to become one of the major growth areas in the near future. The least expensive official way of doing this is to use a modem and the public telephone network. Peripheral Hardware Ltd has pre-empted the boom and now provides two acoustically-coupled telephone modems - the Sendata Model 700 and Sendata Model 1080.
47 |
Industrial kit suits systems engineer [News Item]
Interface 80 is a comprehensive range of low-cost, standard products for the do-it-yourself systems engineer in industrial, research or academic institutions. It is designed to meet the needs of the engineer who has a working knowledge of computers.
47 |
Structured language for Open University [News Item]
The Open University is to develop a structured language for teaching programming. The new language, OUSBasic, will be implemented on the Open University DEC-20 system, and will become available in 1983.
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A day to be remembered by ZX-80/81 enthusiasts [News Item]
Saturday, September 26 will be a red-letter day for ZX-80/81 fans. On that day the world's first ever ZX Micro Fair will be held at the Central Hall, Westminster, London.
49 |
Servicing agreements are ABC micros' strong point [News Item]
The latest Japanese import to reach our shores take the shape of the ABC micro. in effect two machines, the ABC-24 and the ABC-26. The feature which makes this machine stand out from the crowd is the servicing agreement - after the initial six months' free warranty, a comprehensive service contract can be bought for around 10 percent of the original cost of the machine.
49 |
Apple helps chemists swallow stock control's bitter pill [News Item]
A computer system is now available for chemists which is designed to run on the Apple computer, and was developed in response to a need for a reliable stock-control function.
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Hi-Tek and Z-80B [News Item]
Hi-Tek has announced the introduction of the Z-80B, a high-speed version of the industry-standard Z-80 microprocessor.
49 |
Touch-screen VDU [News Item]
The TT-100 touch-screen VDU from Interaction Systems requires no keyboard or light-pen to operate it.
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New range accompanies new name to micro field [News Item]
Kontron is a new name in microcomputing. The launch of the company coincided with the launch of an entire range of microcomputer equipment. Products include the Kontron PSI-80 microcomputer, Micronet networking system and the KAP 1000/2000 data acquisition system.
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CP/M users' groupings [News Item]
At its annual general meeting the CP/M users' group resolved that membership be split into three classes.
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Cleaning package [News Item]
Automation Facilities provides a selection of cleaning products for computer and word-processor users in a handy bookshelf kit.
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Publicans make moves to put computers behind bars [News Item]
The MKR group has developed a computerised bar-management system; the Microptic bar-management system is envisaged as a major development in bar-management techniques.
51 |
Pear II [Advert]
52 |
New! Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer [Advert]
Double-page, colour advert.
55 |
The Last One [Article]
Peter Laurie Peter Laurie looks behind the hype surrounding self-generating program The Last One.
56 |
Sharp MZ-80B [Review]
Mike Hughes Mike Hughes evaluates the new personal computer from Sharp.
59 |
Adler's New £1600 Computer. Brilliantly Simple Alphatronic. [Advert]
61 |
Shelton Sig/Net [Review]
John Dawson New ideas in microcomputer design from Shelton Instruments.
63 |
Planning with model results [Review]
The modelling software package under scrutiny. We pit MicroModeller against the accepted power and acceptable prices of VisiCalc and Desktop Plan.
66 |
The Chile Experiment [Article]
Robert Bittlestone We look at the controversial attempt by cybernetics guru Stafford Beer to computerise the Chilean economy.
72 |
Murder at the manor [Type-In Listing]
P.J. Goss A mysterious setting for a thrilling game.
76 |
Pinball wizardry of teaching program [Type-In Listing]
Ivor Wood A program to simulate the game of pinball is used to teach many new statistical concepts.
79 |
5.25-inch Winchesters [Advert]
80 |
AM Speech Board and Light Pen [Advert]
81 |
Sinclair ZX software on cassette [Advert]
83 |
The Consummate Compact Computer [Advert]
Rair Black Box 3/30
85 |
The Vector Graphic 5005 from Almarc [Advert]
87 |
SNAFU [Article]
Bill Bailey Fiction.
91 |
Micros make the grade [Article]
Tracey Ebbetts Tracey Ebbetts tells the tale of an Apple at Filmatic Laboratories, a film-processing laboratory.
92 |
The limits of my world [Article]
Boris Allan Boris Allan appeals to your ingenuity in the discussion of mathematics, programming and education.
98 |
Fortran: the language which refuses to die [Article]
Paul Martin Fortran should not be dismissed as an old language, Paul Martin agrees.
103 |
How to make copies of your discs - faster [Type-In Listing]
John & Timothy Lee Speed up your back-up copying with this track-by-track copying algorithm for CP/M systems.
108 |
The Generalised Inverse [Article]
Alan Mackay Alan Mackay uses some Chinese examples to show that matrices and the generalised inverses of matrices can be used to solve many problems.
112 |
Further Fourier transforms [Article]
W. Barbiz Save time and money in your Basic with our recipe.
114 |
Business software: order from the menu [Article]
Charles Somerville Part three of the series by Charles Somerville on writing your own packages.
119 |
ZX-80/81 Line-up [Article]
Page dedicated to the ZX-80 and ZX-81.
123 |
Tandy Forum [Article]
Devoted to the TRS-80 - news and user's tips, queries and comments.
125 |
6502 Special [Article]
The 6502 Special is dedicated to the exchange of information between 6502 users.
128 |
Apple Pie [Article]
Ideas, hints and comments for Apple users.
130 |
Pet Corner [Article]
News and user's tips, queries and comments.
131 |
The mystery of the cave painting [Article]
133 |
Micromouse [Article]
Page dedicated to anything that moves.
134 |
Book Reviews [Review]
'TRS-80 interfacing, book 2' by Jonathon A. Titus et al., 'Son of Cheap Video' by Don Lancaster, 'Computer Programming in Basic' by L.R. Carter & E. Huzan, 'Karel the Robot' by Richard Pattis, 'How to debug you personal computer' by Bruce and Huffman.
139 |
Complicated plot, simple story [Type-In Listing]
Peter Hodkin Graph plotting by Peter Hodkin.
147 |
Buyers' Guide - Printers [Article]
161 |
Son of Hexadecimal Kid [Article]
Richard Forsyth Fiction.
173 |
Karadawn Ltd - Introducing the KD 700 [Advert]
187 |
The Acorn Atom [Advert]
235 |
The ITT 2020 [Advert]