6 |
Sinclair ZX80 - Britain's first complete computer kit [Advert]
23 |
Nascom 2 [Advert]
43 |
LSI System M-One Model 1 [Advert]
49 |
Editorial [Article]
Peter Laurie Heritage and future
50 |
Feedback [Article]
Reader's letters
54 |
Schools given Apples worth £30,000 [News Item]
Apple microcomputers worth £30,000 have been given to specially-selected schools by the UK Apple importer and distributor Microsense Ltd. The schools were selected in co-operation with Mini and Microcomputers in Secondary Education (MUSE).
54 |
Home computer which talks [News Item]
A home computer which talks is how Texas Instruments plans to market the TI-99/4 .
54 |
Best-selling software [News Item]
Applied Computer Techniques, the company behind Petsoft, is diversifying into software for the Apple II microcomputer. The new company Appleware has launched with a catalogue of 75 established best sellers and intends to develop some of its own business packages.
54 |
Disc covers [News Item]
Swan Packaging, a company from Coventry, has produced the Discpac, a postal package which allows you to send 8-inch and 5.25-inch discs safely.
54 |
Good home needed for PDP-15 [News Item]
Birkbeck College in London is looking for a good educational home for its PDP-15.
55 |
Simple, but effective [News Item]
A new product with a grid corresponding with the POKE numbers for the Pet memory display locations has been released.
55 |
Survey shows satisfaction [News Item]
The Control Data Institute has conducted a survey of the 2,000 people from its computer-operating, programming and engineering courses.
55 |
Special prize for inventiveness [News Item]
The winners of the British microprocessor competition (Practical Computing, December 1979) have been announced.
55 |
Programmer-time savings [News Item]
Savings of up to one-third of programmer-time are claimed by Phipps Associates for a new software product for the Panasonic JD range.
55 |
Free maintenance service [News Item]
Alpha Research offers a free maintenance service provided by members of the group in departments in computer software, electronic equipment, meterology, botanical surveys, library research, among others.
56 |
Software company based on years of study [News Item]
A new software company, Microtrend International, has been formed to produce microcomputer software. The new company has more than 125 programs for the Pet, Apple, TRS-80 and CP/M-based micros.
56 |
New graphics board [News Item]
R-Squared Ltd, specialists in systems based on the Vector Graphics microcomputer now has a new high-resolution graphics board available.
56 |
Nascom word-processing package [News Item]
A word-processing package, Naspen, has been introduced for the Nascom 1 and 2 microcomputers.
56 |
Geest family [News Item]
Geest Micro Systems has launched a family of microcomputers based on the TI 16-bit micros - the TI 9900 and the 990/5.
56 |
U.K. factory for Puma robot [News Item]
Unimation, a US robot manufacturer, has recently announced its intention to establish a UK factory for its Puma industrial robot in Telford, Shropshire.
56 |
IBM stand-alone [News Item]
IBM has launched its 5120 stand-alone computer.
59 |
North Star Horizon [Advert]
61 |
Panasonic JD-700U heads Japanese challenge [Review]
Vincent Tseng Vincent Tseng evaluates the potential of this Japanese machine.
64 |
VisiCalc [Review]
Mike McDonald The general-purpose modelling package assessed by Mike McDonald.
68 |
Butel-Comco Athena [Advert]
69 |
Off-line [Article]
Caith Gill Fiction.
72 |
The Electronic Newsagent [Article]
Duncan Scot Time and money saved with electronic solution.
78 |
Videotex: Little doubt that Prestel is well on its way [Article]
Peter Sommer Peter Sommer discusses the latest developments in viewdata systems.
80 |
Memory-mapped graphics [Article]
Gary Marshall Ideas and methods for producing mobile displays
87 |
Social Services: Disabled and administration share the rewards [Article]
Martin Hayman The London Borough of Hillingdon's social services department has devised several uses for the versatile micro
90 |
Robotics: Planning techniques find optimal routes [Article]
Mark Witowski The interplay of ideas between robotics and artificial intelligence in part five of Mark Witkowski's series.
96 |
Motor Control: Servos are inexpensive and easy to build [Article]
Nick Hampshire Nick Hampshire examines electric motors and their use as computer-controlled servo machines.
98 |
Machine Code: Address modes - vital topic which repays close study [Article]
David Peckett In part four David Peckett describes different types of addressing and looks at what the 6502 and 8080A offer.
107 |
Apple Pie [Article]
Ideas, hints and comments for Apple users.
109 |
Rair Black Box Microcomputer [Advert]
111 |
Pet Corner [Article]
News and user's tips, queries and comments.
115 |
Tandy Forum [Article]
Devoted to the TRS-80 - news and user's tips, queries and comments.
117 |
6502 Special [Article]
The 6502 Special is dedicated to the exchange of information between 6502 users.
119 |
Sorcerer's Apprentice [Article]
Page dedicated to Exidy Sorcerer users.
122 |
Apple COS and the output bug [Article]
In part two of his quest for a cassette operating system for the Apple II, Hugh Dobbs meets the output bug.
126 |
Buyers' Guide Software [Article]
147 |
Superbrain [Advert]
156 |
Image Data Eight Microcomputer [Advert]
163 |
Glossary [Article]
Continuing the terminological gamut with T