Casio FX-7000G Graphing Calculator

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The Casio fx-7000G, released in October 1985, is notable for being the world's first graphing calculator. It features an LCD screen which can be switched between an eight 16-character line display, or a graphics mode with a 95x63 dot-matrix display.

The graphing function featured 20 built-in graphs, making it possible to produce graphs of the basic functions including sin, cos and tan. Users were also able to generate their own graphs from equations.

As well as being a graphing calculator, the fx-7000G was a programmable, scientific calculator. The programmable mode had memory for 10 programs, up to 422 steps. 

The fx-7000G was powered by three CR2032 batteries.

Manufacturer: Casio
Date: October 1985

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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH52958. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Casio FX-7000G Graphing Calculator

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