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LEO II Computer

Taking the Punch Out of Input

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70129 LEO II, Autolector and Xeronic

Helen Clews: Interview, 1st August 2022, 70779

Ernest Kaye LEO 1952

62307 LEO I BBC Newsreel, 16 Feb 1954

Quatermass II (Sound of LEO I)

55717 LEO - The Automatic Office (1957)

70130 LEO - Electronic Data Processing (1960)

70127 Taking the punch out of input (1965)

LEO III in operation at British Oxygen

Hot Millions

Ostrava Steel Works

The Dream Machine

Alan King: Interview

Tony Morgan: Interview

LEO: Celebrating The Pioneers

Frank Land: Interview by Google

LEO: Celebrating the Pioneers

Doug Comish: Interview

Neil Lamming: Interview

The 1952 Show

Simon Benedictus: Interview, 17 April 2012 53367

John Daines: Interview, 26 April 2012 53366

Ray Hennessy: Interview 27th April 2012 53371

The Machine that Changed the World: Inventing the Future

The Great Railway Caper: Big Data in 1955

Alan Sercombe: Interview, 23 July 2014 50623

Paul Dixon: Interview

Derek Jolly: Interview

Patrick Blakes: Interview 27th July 2016 53385

Peter Bird: Interview

Ray Shaw: Interview 27th September 2016 53377

Peter Wharton: Interview 2nd November 2016 53382

LEO Computers commemorative plaque unveiled

Ian White: Interview, 6 December 2016 53386

Michael Mills: Interview

Tony Earnshaw: Interview, 16 February 2017 53387

Peter Hermon: Interview 15th June 2017 53388

Ian Bruce: Interview, 5 July 2017 62999

Jean Cox (Jean Elliott): Interview, 17 July 2017 53391

Margaret Fox (Margaret James): Interview 19th July 2017, 63001

Barry Fox: Interview, 19 July 2017 64032

Geoff Pye: Interview, 3 August 2017 56449

Peter Byford: Interview 22nd August 2017 53389

Mike Gifford: Interview, 30th September 2017, 53392

Ninian Eadie: Interview 6th October 2017 63000

History of the Lyons LEO Computer - Peter Byford

Mike Thompson: Interview, 6th December 2017 70217

Brian Mills: Interview 27 February 2018 56450

Alan Jacobs: Interview, 17 October 2018 56541

COPY OF 55627 Tony Earnshaw: Interview, 1dunno

Gloria Guy: Interview, 13th November 2018 55627

Alan Hooker: Interview, 21st November 2018, 68654

Rodney Hornstein: Interview 3rd December 2018 70218

Pat Ashcroft: Interview, 25th March 2019 70685

71200 Remembering LEO - Stories from the Engineers

Kate Keen: Interview, 24th April 2019, 62992

Mike Fisher: Interview, 24 April 2019, 70780

Shiela Wharton: Interview, 21 June 2019 70687

Michael Jackson: Interview, 25th July 2018, 63002

Roger Emsley: Interview, 10 September 2019 70686

John Gardner: Interview

Stephen 'Chuck' Knowles: Interview, 26th November 2020, 68654

Martin Albu: Interview, 26 January 2021, 70782

Robert Thoday: Interview, 6 April 2021, 70781

An Introduction to Silicon Valley’s Computer History Museum

An Introduction to Silicon Valley’s Computer History Museum

66720 LEO: The story of the world's first business computer

Vincent Bodsworth: Interview, 3rd March 2022, 70786

Neville Lyons: Interview