Reuters APM Board Issue 4 and Connector Panel

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The Reuters APM Board has been described as a BBC B+ on a Eurocard. The main data source for applications was Reuters Monitor which provided a feed of 64x16 upper case only pages. 

Products which used to be available for the APM were:

Reuters Graphics: this was a tool that would take historical trading data from the Monitor feed, and display it graphically. It would display low/high/close prices and allow trends and moving averages to be calculated/displayed. This was featured for a time on the BBC's Money Programme. 

Reuters Abacus: this was an FX arbitrage package - this would look at the current prices of all the foreign exchange (FX) currencies at the moment, and work out the tiny differences in prices between different currency pairs. 

Reuters News Watch: would take a Monitor feed, and show pages of news in a fashion similar to how Ceefax used to do it on page 198. A group of say 20 pages, with general news, business, financial and sport. This was sold to hotels and big businesses to put in their lobbies.

Date : Unknown

Manufacturer : Acorn

Format : Expansion Board

Physical Description : Reuters APM Board, Reuters Connector Panel

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH49742. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

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