World Heroes 2 Jet

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World Heroes 2 Jet has half the elements of its predecessor, such as the same three out of four button layout ("A" to punch, "B" to kick, and "C" to either throw or "Challenge", which is taunting), movements and motion commands performed using an 8-way joystick. New additions include three new characters and new and modified moves and fighting statistics added to the playable characters returning from the first two World Heroes titles. Also, the word "Jet" in the title not only refers to faster movement, but also the ability to perform forward and backward dashing. Another new addition is when two attacks hit each other, they'll rebound. The "Normal Game" and "Death Match" modes are replaced by "Entry to the tournament" and "The FORGING OF WARRIORS":

In "Entry to the tournament", the object is to first face three groups that have three opponents per group, and defeat at least two out of three opponents per group. Second, the player must defeat Captain Kidd in at least two of three rounds. Third, the player must defeat Hanzou the same way. Finally, the player must defeat Zeus' henchmen Jack and Ryofu before defeating Zeus himself.

In "The FORGING OF WARRIORS", the player selects an opponent to fight against. The rule in each battle against a character, like in most fighting games at the time of its release, requires the player to win two out of three rounds to completely win against the opponent. If the timer runs out before anyone is knocked out, the one with the most health in his/her lifebars wins. Once the player wins or loses, the player returns to the "Player Select" and "Enemy Select" screens. However, after winning against four opponents in a row, the game ends. This is the only mode up to two players can play against each other. Depending on what CPU-controlled opponent or second player's character is chosen, the stage both players will fight on will be the second character's stage from World Heroes 2; however, for characters introduced in World Heroes 2 Jet, the battle would take place on their stages exclusively shown in this mode.

The Neo Geo MVS cartridges are designed to be plugged into the arcade system, either by way of a jamma board or the official arcade machine.

The cartridges can be used on the home AES system, if an adapter is used, this can be very benificial as by and large, the MVS carts cost a fraction of the Home system ones, at the expense of not having anything more than a basic cardboard sleeve, as opposed to the large AES cases and coloured sleeves.



Platform : Neo Geo MVS
Format : Cartridge
Publisher : SNK
Authors : ADK
Date : 26th April 1994
Product Code :

Other Software by SNK:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Fatal Fury SNK Sega Mega Drive Cartridge 1991
Fatal Fury 2 (Bootleg Cart) SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1992
Samurai Showdown SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 11 Aug 1993
Art Of Fighting 2 SNK SNK Neo Geo CD CD-ROM 1994
Super Sidekicks 2 SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1994
World Heroes 2 Jet SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 26 Apr 1994
Real Bout Fatal Fury SNK SNK Neo Geo CD CD-ROM 1995
The King of Fighters '95 SNK SNK Neo Geo CD CD-ROM 1995
Samurai Spirits SNK SNK Neo Geo CD CD-ROM 1995
Goal! Goal! Goal! SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1995
Puzzle Bobble SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1995
Puzzle Bobble (Bootleg) SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1995
Big Tournament Golf SNK SNK Neo Geo CD CD-ROM 1996
Neo Turf Masters SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 1 Mar 1996
Metal Slug SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 24 May 1996
Blazing Star SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 19 Feb 1998
Metal Slug 2 SNK Neo Geo MVS Cartridge 2 Apr 1998
Neo Poke Pro Yakyuu (Neo Pocket Pro Baseball) SNK Neo Geo Pocket Cartridge 1999
Neo Geo Cup '98 SNK Neo Geo Pocket Cartridge 1999
Cool Boarders Pocket SNK Neo Geo Pocket Cartridge 2000
The Last Blade 2 SNK Sega Dreamcast CD 2001

Information About SNK:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH48531. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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