Box 1029 - Wang PC-S3-3 Spare PCB Boards

WangPC-S3-3 Spare PCB Boards
Geni VGA to TV (Composite Video) Adpator Boxed
Velleman-Kit - USB Controlled DMX Interface - Box Sealed
VGA-TV Convertor Boxed

Spare Camputers Lynx with PSU and Manual
Trojan Lightpen for Camputers Lynx

Marconi RB2 Track Ball for Acorn BBC Micro (trackerball)

1 x Pied Piper Communicator 1 CPU Board (Xerox 820?)
Assy P/N 20000000-01

D-Link WebCam - FireWire

1 x Madcatz Wireless Controller for Original Xbox

1 x Transformer and Mains Lead for Panasonic 3do (It is faulty - the transformer is dead - from the machine in the games timeline display)

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH47795. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


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