Softerm 2
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Softerm was a terminal emulation program for Apple II, II Plus, or Ile . It was provided in two versions: Softerm 1 provides basic terminal communications to a variety of host computers, timesharing services, and information services such as The Source, CompuServe and the Dow Jones News/ Retrieval. Softerm 2 includes all features of Softerm 1 and provides an exact look-alike for many popular CRT terminals. Softerm 2 enables applications written for a specific CRT terminal to operate with an Apple system transparently and without programming changes. Special function keys, sophisticated editing features, and local printer capabilities of the terminals emulated by Softerm 2 are fully supported. A wide range of CRT terminal emulations supporting both conversational Softerm 1 and 2 include a keyboard expander which provides 2 or 3 additional keys to the Apple keyboard. The additional keys function as SHIFT keys and allow all Softerm and terminal emulation keyboard functions to be performed in a single keystroke when used in combination with the main keyboard. Since all Softerm functions are initiated using the Platform: Apple II, II Plus, IIe 48 Kb RAM Disk 5.25 DOS 3.3 TV set or Video Monitor with optional 80 column board; Asynchronous Serial Interface System Software (SS:) Utility Program (UP:) Communications Version: 1.00
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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH47637. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |
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