Electronics Lab - Build A Z80 Computer - Sunday 30th December 2018
Description : Come and build your very own Z80 computer! The MyZ80 is an 8 bit computer based around the Z80 processor, the famous chip that Cambridge inventor, Sir Clive Sinclair used for his Sinclair ZX80, ZX81, and Spectrum computers back in the eighties! Based around the excellent 'RC2014', this simple computer links to your PC where it can be programmed via a simple (and free) terminal program. From there you can write BASIC programs to make your computer do what YOU want it to do! This is a fantastic workshop for kids both young and not-so-young who want to share the experience of building a computer and re-creating the unique feeling of achievement just like building those ZX81 kits of the eighties. We'll be turning our 80s Classroom into an Electronics Lab. We'll have soldering stations set-up and our in-house electronics expert will help you assemble, solder and test your computer ready to take home with you. Once you have your computer built, we'll show you how to program it! Using BASIC, your computer is easy to program and we'll show you how! Finally, towards the end of the workshop, we'll show you how you can use a Raspberry-Pi Zero as a convenient screen and keyboard, and talk you through expanding your Z80 computer through the convenient interfacing pins.
Spaces are limited for this hands-on session, so booking is required to ensure your place. Please note: Whilst we'll make every effort to help ensure your computer works, careful assembly and soldering is required and we cannot be held responsible for any non working consoles due to poor assembly. This workshop session is priced at £85.00 per participant and includes the cost of the kit and entry to the Centre! Date : Sunday 30th December 2018 Build
Workshop Plan
You Should Bring
Payment is taken by PayPal immediately. Please print a copy of the receipt that is displayed at the end of the payment process and bring it with you as your e-ticket. Cancellations: We are unable to allow cancellations in the 14 days prior to the workshop. This is because we will have purchased the kits. Obviously, you can still collect your kit from the museum during our normal opening hours. Remember - All proceeds go to support our Computing Museum! |