Infant Pack - Alphabet & Green Bottles

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Invaluable teaching aids for pre-school children focussing on counting and the alphabet.

Platform : Dragon 32
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Shards Software
Authors : Shards Software
Date : 1983
Product Code :

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Operation Safras (Pettigrew 2) Shards Software TRS-80 Colour Computer/Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Fun & Games Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Science 1 SHARDS Software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Infant Pack - Alphabet & Green Bottles Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Pettigrews Diary Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Live & Learn Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Monster Maths Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Crossword Quiz Pack Wordwise Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Fun to Learn SHARDS Software Ltd BBC Micro B Cassette 1983
City Defence Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Pettigrew's Diary Shards software TRS-80 Colour Computer Cassette 1984
Empire Shards Software Acorn BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Mystery of the Java Star Shards Software BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Monster Maths SHARDS Software Ltd BBC Micro B Cassette 1984
Pettigrews Diary SHARDS Software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Laser Letters Shards Software BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Mystery of the Java Star Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
North Sea Oil Shards Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
Fun Academy SHARDS Software Ltd BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disk 1985
Woodbury End Shards Software Acorn Electron Cassette 1985

Information About Shards Software:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH4195. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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