DECpc 425SE Laptop

 Home > Browse Our Collection > Computers > Digital DEC > DECpc 425SE Laptop
  • Intel 486SX/25MHz
  • 4MB RAM expandable to 20MB
  • 120 or 170MB hard drive
  • 1 PCMCIA slot accepts type I, II, or III card
  • 9.5" high resolution monochrome display (optional 256-color upgrade)

Retailed for $1549 (monochrome) or $4599 (color) in 1994.

Manufacturer: DEC
Date: 1994

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Magazines RELATED to DECpc 425SE Laptop in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Personal Computer World - January 1994 1 Jan 1994

Other Systems Related To DECpc 425SE Laptop:

Item Manufacturer Date
DEC PDP-8/I Replica Digital DEC 1968
Digital PDP-11/03-L DEC 1970
Digital Micro PDP-11/23 DEC 1970
Digital PDP-8/E DEC 1971
Digital Micro PDP-11/53 DEC 1987
Digital Hi Note CT475 DEC 1994
Digital DEC Venturis 590 DEC 1994
DEC Prototype Set Top Box DEC 1996

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH37103. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


DECpc 425SE Laptop

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