TI-99/4A Speech Synthesizer
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This highly popular plug-in speech synthesizer module was available for the TI-99/4 and 4A. Speech synthesizers were offered free with the purchase of a number of cartridges and were used by many TI-written video games. The synthesizer uses a variant of linear predictive coding and has a small built-in vocabulary. The original intent was to release small cartridges that plugged directly into the synthesizer unit, which would increase the device's built in vocabulary; however, the success of software text-to-speech in the Terminal Emulator II cartridge cancelled that plan. Cartridges sold to expand TI's Speak & Spell vocabulary are compatible with the speech synthesizer, with the added vocabulary being accessible through TI Extended BASIC. In many games (mostly those produced by TI), the speech synthesizer has relatively realistic voices. Date : UnknownManufacturer : Texas Instruments Physical Description : Cardboard box Polystyrene holder Speech synthesizer This exhibit has a reference ID of CH36787. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |