Commodore 64 Advanced User Guide

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Commodore 64 Advanced User Guide is for all those who want to make greater use of the many features and facilities of the Commodore 64. If you find programming in BASIC too limited, then this book is for you.
The first chapters take you deeper into the machine. They explain what machine code and assembly language are, and how to use them.
You then learn how to combine BASIC and machine-code routines for faster, more efficient programs.
Two chapters on sound and graphics show you how to program SID and VIC, and how to develop high-resolution graphics, including 3-D, solid drawing and perspective.
The final chapters examine word processing, spreadsheet and database packages and the peripheral devices available for the Commodore 64.

ISBN : 0-13-152026-1

Publisher : Prentice Hall

Author : John Gordon & Ian McLean

Format : Paperback: 304 Pages

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH34930. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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