TI calculator-based ranger (CBR)

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The Texas Instruments (TI) Calculator-based Ranger (CBR) is a sonic motion detector that uses a sonic sensor to measure the time between transmitting a short ultrasonic pulse, and receiving the first returned echo. It then calculates the distance of the object in the range between 0.5m and 6m. It then calculates the first and second derivatives of the distance date with respect to time for velocity and acceleration data. 

This CBR is for use with the Texas Instruments TI-82, TI-83, TI-85/CBL, TI-86, and TI-92 graphing calculators.

Date : 1997

Manufacturer : Texas Instruments

Physical Description : CBR unit Calculator-to-CBR cable CBR-to-CBL cable Mounting clamp User manual Accessories brochure Cardboard box Poster for TI-83 Plus Calculator Transparent sheet with image of TI-83 Calculator

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH34876. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Scan of Document: TI calculator-based ranger (CBR)

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