40 Winks

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40 Winks is a 3D platformer that takes inspiration from classic horror.

Players control either Ruff or Tumble - a brother and sister who must defeat the villainous Nitekap and his army of creatures that cause people to have nightmares.

The game takes place over a series of typical platforming levels including a spooky castle, an underwater stage and a pirate-themed world.

Platform : Sony Playstation 1
Format : CD-ROM
Publisher : GT Interactive
Authors : Eurocom
Date : November 1999
Product Code : SLES 01937

Other Software by GT Interactive:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
EasySurf with Netscape Navigator 2.0 Software GT Interactive Windows 3.1 CD ROM Unknown
The Ultimate Doom - Thy Flesh Consumed GT Interactive Software PC Windows 32-bit CD ROM 1993
DOOM One Level Demo Disc GT Interactive Software Ltd Sony Playstation CD-ROM 1995
The Depths of Doom Trilogy GT Interactive PC CD ROM 28 Oct 1995
William's Arcade's Greatest hits GT Interactive Sony Playstation 1 CD-ROM 1996
Mortal Kombat Trilogy GT Interactive PC Windows 32-bit/MS-DOS PC CD-ROM 1996
A.M.O.K. GT Interactive PC CD ROM 1996
Arcade's Greatest Hits The Atari Collection 1 GT Interactive Sony Playstation 1 CD-ROM 1996
Final Doom GT Interactive PC CD ROM 17 Jun 1996
Mace: The Dark Age GT Interactive Nintendo 64 Cartridge 1997
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Demo GT Interactive Software Sony Playstation CD-ROM 1997
Duke Nukem 64 (Sealed) GT Interactive Nintendo 64 Cartridge 1997
Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds GT Interactive PC Windows 32 Bit CD ROM 1998
Powerslide GT Interactive Windows CD ROM 1998
B-Movie GT Interactive Sony Playstation 1 CD-ROM Nov 1998
Towers of Darkness GT Interactive Acorn RISC PC 3.5 Disk 1999
Oddworld Adventures 2 GT Interactive Nintendo Game Boy Color Cartridge 1999
The Wheel of Time GT Interactive PC CD ROM 1999
40 Winks GT Interactive Sony Playstation 1 CD-ROM Nov 1999
COPY OF 40 Winks GT Interactive Sony Playstation 1 CD-ROM Nov 1999

Information About GT Interactive:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH34860. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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