Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum

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This version of the Spectrum was assembled in Portugal, but never saw a full release. They were intended for the Portuguese and South American markets, most were to have the Timex Sinclair branding. They predated the ZX81 Timex machines, the TS1000 and TS1500, by nearly a year.

This machine appears to be identical to the Czerweny CZ-2000, which found its way to Argentina, with the lettering changed to ''Sinclair Spectrum''

A few of these machines with the Sinclair branding appear to have made it back to the UK, as this one has stickers on the computer and power supply that reads:

76 Cornwall St., Plymouth PL1 1NS
Telephone: (0752) 28705
Equipment & software for home & business

The power supply is a standard Sinclair one, except for a European two pin plug, and as with all TS2000 machines, this Spectrum is a standard 48K issue 4B motherboard, a sticker on the inside of the case reads: 'P 068973 MODEL M 332 48 K'

The case moulds of the Timex TS1500 were used in black for this computer, and the Czerweny CZ2000 machines in Argentina, (see picture) while the case moulds were used to make the grey cases for the Timex TS1500 machines, which were the Sinclair ZX81 variant.

Manufacturer: Sinclair
Date: 1982

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Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum Manuals:

Item Manufacturer Date
A Course in BASIC Programming - ZX80 Operating Manual Science of Cambridge 1980
Technology Research Disk Interface Manual Technology Research Ltd 1984
Servicing Manual for ZX Spectrum Sinclair Research Ltd Jan 1984
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 Manual Sinclair 1986
Spectral Manual (East German ZX Spectrum Clone) Hübner Elektronik 1988

Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum Articles:

Item Manufacturer Date
Memories - The Tatung Einstein (1) Unknown
Memories - My History of Computing - From a School Teacher Feb 2009

Magazines RELATED to Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Your Computer - June 1982 Jun 1982
Personal Computer World - June 1982 1 Jun 1982
Personal Computer World - October 1982 Oct 1982
Personal Computer World - November 1982 Nov 1982
Personal Computer World - January 1983 Jan 1983
Practical Computing - August 1983 Aug 1983
Acorn User - Christmas 1995 1 Jul 2009
Acorn User - May 1997 15 Jul 2009

Other Systems Related To Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum:

Item Manufacturer Date
Prototype of MK14 Sinclair 1977
Science of Cambridge MK 14 + Original Keyboard Sinclair 1977
Science of Cambridge MK 14 - Original Kit Sinclair 1977
Science of Cambridge MK14 + Memory Expansion in wooden case Sinclair 1977
Science of Cambridge MK14 Sinclair 1977
Sinclair ZX80 8K Basic Sinclair 1980
Sinclair ZX81 with Basic EPROM Sinclair 1980
Sinclair ZX80 Prototype PDZ 4732 Basic ROM - Nine Tiles Sinclair 1980
Sinclair ZX80 Updated to ZX81 Sinclair 1980
Sinclair ZX80 Sinclair 1st June 1980
Sinclair ZX81 Kit Sinclair 1981
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Prototype Sinclair 1981
Sinclair ZX81 Sinclair 1981
Sinclair ZX81 - Signed by Rick Dickinson Sinclair 5th March 1981
Sinclair ZX81 with Custom Case/Keyboard Sinclair 5th March 1981
Sinclair Spectrum with Homemade Keyboard Sinclair 1982
White Replica ZX Spectrum (Millionth Edition) Sinclair 1982
Early Sinclair ZX Spectrum Computer Sinclair 1982
Timex Sinclair 1000 Sinclair 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Console Sinclair 1982
ZX Spectrum Issue 2 With ULA Modification Sinclair 1982
Timex Sinclair 1500 Sinclair 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K (BBC) Sinclair 1st March 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Case (Signed) Sinclair 1st March 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Computer - Early Issue Sinclair 23rd April 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k Sinclair 23rd April 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K Sinclair 23rd April 1982
Sinclair Spectrum (Assembled in Portugal) Sinclair 1983
Sinclair QL + Schön Keyboard Sinclair 1984
Sinclair QL (German) Sinclair 1984
Sinclair QL (Signed) Sinclair 1984
Sinclair QL (US) Sinclair 1984
Sinclair QL (Property of Sinclair) Sinclair 1984
Sinclair QL Sinclair 1984
Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ Sinclair 1st June 1984
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 Sinclair 1986
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 Sinclair January 1986
Cambridge Z88 All In One Pack Sinclair 1987
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 (Currys Box) Sinclair 1st June 1987
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 Sinclair 1st June 1987
Sinclair PC200 Sinclair 1988
Cambridge Z88 With PC Link Kit Sinclair 1988
SJL 68008-PC Sinclair 1988

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH34822. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum

  Book Archive   [87]
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