Casio AL-10 Electronic Calculator

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The Casio AL-10, along with the AL-8, was the first calculator to accept and display fractions. They were also the first pocket calculators with a built-in standard deviation programme. They could also display time in hours, minutes and seconds.

The calculator had a six-mode program switch which allowed you to switch between square root function, simultaneous addition of two columns of figures, the ability in divisions to give the integer number and the remainder, fraction mode, handling of sexagesimal (base 60) calculations, and standard deviation.

The difference between the AL-10 and the AL-8 was that the AL-10 had a 10-digit display while the AL-8 had an eight-digit display. Both had green vacuum fluorescent displays (VFD).

This electronic calculator is complete with original box and manual.

Manufacturer: Casio
Date: 1976

Other Systems Related To Casio AL-10 Electronic Calculator:

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Casio FX-110 Scientific Calculator Casio 1977
Casio FX-502P Casio 1978
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Casio Mini-Card MC-34 Casio 1980
Casio fx-310 Casio 1980
Casio FT-21 Fortune Telling Calculator Casio 1981
Casio FX-720P Casio 1982
Casio FX-602P Casio 1982
Casio MG-777 Calculator Casio 1982
Casio SL-800 Film card Calculator Casio 1983
Casio HS-8G Casio 1985
Casio FX-750P Casio 1985
Casio FX-7000G Graphing Calculator Casio October 1985
Casio FX-730P Casio 1986
Casio FX-850P Casio 1987
Casio FX-82L Fraction Casio 1989
Casio FX-8500G Calculator & FA-80 Interface Casio 1989
Casio FX-250D Casio 1990 to 1990
Casio FX-82LB Fraction Casio 1993 to 1994
Casio Digital Diary SF-4300A Casio 1993
Casio fx-82SX Casio 1996
Casio CFX-9850GC Plus Calculator Casio 1996
Casio fx-83MS Casio 2000
Casio FX-9750GII Casio 2009
Casio FX-9750G Casio 2009

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH34166. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Casio AL-10 Electronic Calculator

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