Applesoft Language for Apple II.
Preface for Second Edition:
Programming is detailed, exacting, and thought provoking. Do not expect to become an expert overnight. Some advertisements may lead you to believe that there is nothing to it. This is simply not true. Programming takes effort that many people are not willing or able to expend. Furthermore, because a program written for one brand of computer will probably not run on a different brand of computer you must not only understand the programming language, but the design of the computer as well. You see, many programming language details and functions are applicable only to a specific brand of computer. In programming, every character, item, formula, punctuation, and format means something specific to the computer. Exact steps must be programmed for each action the computer takes. Any step not correctly programmed, or improperly placed within the program, will cause the program to fail. This failure may be partial or total, but the program will not produce the desired results. Rote memorization will aid in programming, but comprehensive understanding of how the rules interact and relate will produce more efficient programs. Programming is the truest form of building on a foundation. A solid foundation must be in place to begin the building process. The computer is an inanimate object that is designed according to a set of specifications. The machine does not know anything, nor does it assume anything. The computer does exactly what it is told to do. The programmer must understand machine capabilities and apply proper programming rules to produce correct results. The lessons in this book are designed to present programming rules in a logical, detailed, progressive method from a beginners level to an advanced level. The lessons attempt to always establish a reference point. If you have trouble with programming errors, you can always return to the last reference point to attempt to understand the correct procedure.
SECTION I - Applesoft Language LESSON 1 LOAD AND SAVE PROGRAMS ON TAPE ............................. 15 LESSON 2 SAVE AND LOAD PROGRAMS ON DISK .............................. 19 LESSON 3 PRINT RULES ............................................... 27 LESSON 4 HTAB, TAB, AND VTAB STATEMENTS TO FORMAT OUTPUT ............. 33 LESSON 5 VARIABLES ................................................ 37 LESSON 6 PRECEDENCE ............................................... 47 LESSON 7 LOOPS .................................................... 53 LESSON 8 RELATIONAL AND LOGICAL OPERATORS ............................ 61 LESSON 9 PROBLEM SOLVING AND FLOWCHARTS ............................. 67 LESSON 10 RULES FOR EFFICIENT PROGRAMMING .............................. 73 LESSON 11 SUMMING, COUNTING, AND FLAGS ................................ 77
LESSON 12 SINGLE SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES ................................. 81 LESSON 13 DOUBLE SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES ................................ 89 LESSON 14 STRING ARRAYS ............................................. 95 LESSON 15 FUNCTIONS ............................................... 115 LESSON 16 LIST AND EDIT ............................................. 119 LESSON 17 PLAY COMPUTER ........................................... 127 LESSON 18 RESERVED WORDS .......................................... 131 LESSON 19 MENU SELECTION AND CODING FORMULAS ......................... 133 LESSON 20 PROGRAM OUTLINE .......................................... 143 LESSON 21 CLEANUP ................................................. 14 7 SECTION II - Programming LESSON 22 APPROACHING THE PROBLEM ................................... 161 LESSON 23 PROGRAM FLEXIBILITY ....................................... 1 71 LESSON 24 CIRCULAR LISTS, STACKS, AND POINTERS .......................... 175 LESSON 25 SORTING, SEARCHING, AND DELETING ............................ 183 LESSON 26 FORMULAS ................................................ 205 LESSON 27 DOUBLE SUBSCRIPTED ARRAYS ................................. 219
SECTION Ill - Supplement LESSON 28 GRAPHICS ................................................ 235 LESSON 29 HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS ................................... 249
ISBN : 0672218119
Publisher : Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.
Author : Brian D. Blackwood, George H. Blackwood
Format : Paperback: 254 Pages
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