Death Race 16

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Atlantis were one of many budget software publishers, they released some interesting titles, but very few were of real quality.

Death Race 16 has an into the screen perpective, and is an arcade racer, which the player is just tasked with driving up a straight road avoiding other cars, with every one passed a counter goes up by one.

The game moves at a fast and smooth rate, but is very repetetive, and has some jarring transitions between scenery, one second it is dark, then immediately into a bright, forest landscape.

Platform : Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Atlantis
Authors : Simon Leck
Date : 1985
Product Code :

Other Software by Atlantis:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Revenge of the C5 Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Spooky Castle Atlantis Amstrad CPC Cassette Unknown
Connect 4 Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette Unknown
Cavemania Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette Unknown
SuperCom Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Forbidden Tower Atlantis Commodore VIC 20 Cassette 1981
Sinbad Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Connect 4 Atlantis Software ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Operation Ganymed Atlantis Commodore VIC 20 Cassette 1984
Master Mariner Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Eights Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Pioneer Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Sea Battles Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Timezone Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Marie Celeste Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Mafia Contract Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Rattler Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1984
Temple terror Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Super Brat Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Death Race 16 Atlantis Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4 Cassette 1985
Chinese Patience Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Return To Ithaca Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Frankenstein 2000 Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro B/ Electron Cassette 1985
Vagan Attack Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1985
Cops n Robbers Atlantis Gold Cassette 1985
Death Race Atlantis Commodore VIC 20 Cassette 1 Jan 1985
Caves of Kontonia Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Panik! Atlantis Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4 Cassette 1986
Pro Golf Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
League Challenge Atlantis Acorn Electron Cassette 1986
SAS Assault Course Atlantis Software Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
Myriad Atlantis Software Commodore 16 Cassette 1986
Olympiad '86 Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
League Challenge Atlantis software Ltd Acorn BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Last of the Free Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1986
Panik! Atlantis software Ltd Cassette 1987
Cops n' Robbers Atlantis software Ltd Cassette 1987
Alpine Games Atlantis Software Amstrad CPC 464 Cassette 1987
League Challenge Atlantis Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4 Cassette 1987
Creepy Cave Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1987
Survivors Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1987
Alpine Games Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1987
Ten Pin Challenge Atlantis Cassette 1987
Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everything Atlantis Software Ltd Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 12 Jul 1987
Pro Golf Atlantis Acorn Electron Cassette 1988
League Challenge Atlantis Atari 8 Bit Cassette 1988
GunFighter Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1988
Cerius Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1988
Tank Command Atlantis Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1988
The Golden Figurine Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1988
Psycastria 2 Atlantis software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1988
Pro Golf Atlantis software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1988
Anarchy Zone Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1988
League Challenge Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1988
Crossfire Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1989
Encounter! Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1989
Crack-Up Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1989
Hobgoblin Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1989
Stormcycle Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1989
Superkid Atlantis Software ZX Spectrum Cassette 1989
Periscope Up Atlantis Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1989
Gunfighter Atlantis software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1990
Superkid Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1990
Superkid in Space Atlantis Software ZX Spectrum Cassette 1990
Seahawk Atlantis Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1990
Cavemania Atlantis Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1990
Hobgoblin II Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1990
Omega Orb Atlantis Software Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1990
Cavemania Atlantis Amstrad CPC Cassette 1991
Atlantis 4 Game Pack Atlantis ZX Spectrum Cassette 1992
Apache Flight Atlantis Atari ST 3.5 Floppy Disk 1992
Power Pack (Tape 27) Atlantis Commodore 64 Cassette 1992

Information About Atlantis:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH32934. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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