Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak

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The Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak provides an extra 4MB of memory for the N64 console, increasing the total RAM to 8MB. Many games could take advantage of the extra memory to provide increased graphics resolution, framerate, or additional gameplay options. Only a few games required the Expansion Pak to function (Donkey Kong 64; The legend of Zelda: Majora's mask; and Perfect Dark). The RAM in the Pak ran at a slower speed than the console's main memory.

Our Expansion Pak is in its original box with the manual.

Date : 1998

Manufacturer : Nintendo

Physical Description : Cardboard box Cardboard insert Instruction Booklet Expansion Pak Ejector Tool

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH32785. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Scan of Document: Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak

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