ICL Training - VME Implementation of TP Facilities

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Documentation for an ICL Workshop.

Introduction :
The recent rapid growth of communications facilities has enabled many computer users to re-align the emphasis of their system from conventional batch processing towards on-line systems providing solutions to problems at the right time and at the right place. In particular the ability to interrogate and update files fron terminals located vast distances from the hardware holding those files has led to the development and rapid widespread use of Transaction Processing. TP systems typically encountered include:

- sales order entry and sales enquiry
- stores and inventory control
- airline reservations
- hotel reservations
- information retrieval (document tracing)
- financial services (for Building Societies, banks, etc)

Reference Number : N0697-5

Date Published : 1987

Manufacturer : ICL

Platform : ICL

Format : PDF






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ICL Training - VME Implementation of TP Facilities

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