Casio FX-110 Scientific Calculator

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Size (approx): 84 (w) mm x 152 (h) mm x 22.5 (d) mm (max)
Weight: 144g excluding batteries.
Power: 3.0V DC, 2 x AA size batteries, 0.75W. Also accepts adaptor/charger (AD-4145) through a top side socket on the left.

Case: Smooth plastic white base and black top. Inset brushed aluminium panels around keyboard and above display. Neutral and slightly tilted plastic display filter gives a clean image. Logo, brand and key functions are printed in black, blue and dark orange. On/off switch located perfectly on left side about 2cm from the top. Subtle black and grey keys with only two highlighted in orange. Squishy but positive keys.

Display: 10 digit blue VFD with an eleventh digit for negative exponent indication. The far left (twelfth) digit is never used. 8+2 scientific mode.
Features: Four standard functions, reciprocal, factorial, square root, squares, logs, powers, nth root, change sign, sexagesimal display, trigs (including hyperbolic), decibels, pi statistical and three function memory. Switched Degree, Radian, Gradian and Standard Deviation modes.

Year of manufacture: 1977
Manufacturer: Casio Computer Co. Ltd. Made in Japan
1 x cpu: Hitachi HD36134 7D33 (April 1977), 28 pin DIL, 0.6"

Our calculator with a serial number of 4832753 was very kindly donated by Francis Hookham.

Manufacturer: Casio
Date: 1977

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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH30284. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Casio FX-110 Scientific Calculator

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