Transam Triton (2)
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The Transam Triton Personal Computer was launched in November 1978 and was sold in kit form. It is built on a single board and is based on the 8080 MPU. The single board holds up to 8K of memory, 4K RAM and 4K ROM, supplied with 3K ROM and 2K RAM. The kit, which cost £286 +VAT, came complete with 56-key ASCII keyboard, case, power supply, P.C.B., full documentation, powerful 1K monitor and 2K Tiny Basic, plus all components. The case was designed with room for expansion. It features a 2K integer Tiny Basic as well as a versatile monitor to allow machine code programming. Used with a standard TV and cassette recorder it forms a powerful computing system. The kit comes with an on-board uhf modulator, allowing you to connect to a TV aerial socket. A unique VDU function, together with 64 graphics characters provide the ETI-Triton with excellent graphics handling capacity as well as full cursor control. Other features include: BASIC command look-up table extension, named tape file search, memory-mapped VDU and full textual prompts throughout the software. It also has fully-buffered outputs for up to 64K memory, 256 input/output ports, and eight levels of interrupt. The Triton one-board computer started life jointly sponsored by Transam and Electronics Today International (ETI), as a sort of cross-marketing collaboration. Full construction and software details for the kit were published in the November 1978 issue of Electronics Today International magazine. For those who did not want to buy the complete kit, or could not afford it, Transam began selling the individual components for the computer.
Taken from a news article about this acquisition: 'A computer assembled by a retired engineer more than 40 years ago has been saved from a skip and donated to a computer museum. Manufacturer: Transam Components Comment on This Page Transam Triton (2) Manuals:
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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH29449. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |