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Electronic Computers
Home > LEO Computers > LEOPEDIA > Books > Electronic Computers |
"Although little more than 25 years old, electronic computers are reshaping our technological society." This early book on the history of computers includes a number of references to LEO. See pages 230 and 281-282, and a photograph. It is a brief but accurate account noting payroll and teashop ordering. Research comments: What is also interesting, in a book published in 1965, is the absence of any mention of war—time computing in Bletchley or any computer innovations outside the USA and UK. A surprising number of pages are devoted to analogue computers. A second edition was published in 1975. (FL) ISBN : 0-1402-0524-1Publisher : Pelican Books Author : Stuart Havelock Hollingdale and G.C. Tootill Format : Paperback This exhibit has a reference ID of CH2439. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |