Cray-1 & Cray X-MP Computer System - Symbolic Machine Instructions Reference Manual

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Cray Research, Inc.

Cray-1 & Cray X-MP Computer System - Symbolic Machine Instructions Reference Manual

January 1986


Each Cray mainframe (CRAY X-MP and CRAY-1) machine instruction can be represented symbolically in Cray Assembly Language (CAL). This manual provides information on the Symbolic Machine Instructions used with the CRAY X-MP and CRAY-1.

For a general description of the Cray mainframe, refer to the appropriate Reference Manual.

Section 2 of this manual provides information on Symbolic Machine Instruction format for a 1-parcel (16-bit) instruction or a 2-parcel (32-bit) instruction. It also describes the special register values that may be referenced by the instructions and the symbolic notation used for coding the machine instructions.

Section 3 provides detailed information on the CAL instructions that operate on the CRAY X-MP and CRAY-1. Each instruction begins with boxed information consisting of the CAL syntax format, an operand if required, a brief description of each instruction, and the machine instruction.

Following the boxed information is a detailed description of the instruction and an example.

Appendix A provides a summary of functional units and the symbolic machine instructions. Appendix B lists the instructions by function. References to section 3 for a detailed description of the instruction are provided.

Reference Number :

Date Published : January 1986

Manufacturer : Cray Research Inc

Format : PDF - 145 Pages






This exhibit has a reference ID of CH2405. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Cray-1 & Cray X-MP Computer System - Symbolic Machine Instructions Reference Manual

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