Star Reader

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"Helping your child develop his reading skills

Most caring parents are keen to help their children extend their reading abilities. The question often asked of teachers is 'How can I help at home?' and recent surveys have shown that enthusiasm from home does bring results.

Having a computer in the home can bring a new dimension for the child who has become bored with reading or needs extra motivation. It can also be used to practice reading skills needed by older children.

The four programs which make up 'Star Reader' have been especially written around possible junior school projects or themes and are arranged on three different ability levels ranging from first to top juniors, starting with simple sentence construction and extending to complicated sentences with harder vocabulary."

Platform : ZX Spectrum
Format : Cassette
Publisher : SciSoft
Authors : SciSoft
Date : 1983
Product Code :

Other Software by SciSoft:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Scisoft Genetics Scisoft ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Jungle Maths Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Maths II Scisoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Physics: Revision Scisoft Sinclair ZX81 Cassette 1983
Wizard Box Scisoft Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Astro Maths Scisoft BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Intermediate Level Maths Part 1 Scisoft BBC Micro B / Electron Cassette 1983
Intermediate Level Maths Part 2 Scisoft BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Star Reader SciSoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Jungle Maths Scisoft BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Jungle Maths Junior Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Physics Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Astro Maths Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Wizard Box Scisoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Geography: Environmental Studies Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Intermediate Level German Scisoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984

Information About SciSoft:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH24010. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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