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For children age 5 years upwards

Your children need as much help as they can get when learning basic arithmetic. Numberfun is a cassette containing two computer programs, Numberfun 1 and 2, designed to aid in teaching the concepts of addition and subtraction in a lively and motivating way.

Both programs allow you to choose the size of numbers you want to work with, up to 99, and whether you wish to practice addition, subtraction or a mixture of both. A running score total is displayed, with correct answers rewarded and wrong answers penalised.

After 20 goes your final total is shown on the screen in a novel way and you may play again. Simply follow the instructions given in the booklet included and let Numberfun provide hours of educational activity in an entertaining way.

Platform : ZX Spectrum
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Griffin Software
Authors : Fisher-Marriott Software
Date : 1982
Product Code :

Other Software by Griffin Software:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Mathskills I Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Fairshare Griffin Software ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Tablesums Griffin Software Commodore 64 Cassette Unknown
Tablesums Griffin Software ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Mathskills II Griffin Software ZX Spectrum Cassette 1981
Mathskills II Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Tablesums Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Wordspell Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Numberfun Griffin Software ZX Spectrum Cassette 1982
numberfun Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Mental Arithmetic Griffin Software BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Cup and Bowl Griffin Software Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984

Information About Griffin Software:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH24001. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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