QL Flight Simulator
Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Sinclair QL > QL Flight Simulator |
"Not a game but a real full feature flight simulator for the Sinclair QL written by an Aeronautical Engineer for pilots and student pilots alike. QL Flight (QLF) is a view orientated flight simulator which means you can actually view your surroundings. First set up the weather in each of the nine worlds selecting wind speed, wind direction and cloud ceiling. Select your starting world then your QL moves to the cockpit view! Once in the cockpit with your seat belts firmly done up start the engine, lower the flaps, increase the revs and with releasing the brakes you're actually moving down the runway!! As you clear the runway the scene of the world you're in, comes into view! Bridges, mountains, power lines, towers, everything is there in this realistic simulation. You can even fly from one world into another! Imagine taking off and flying under a power line then into a treacherous mountain world and landing between 2 mountains, refuel, take off again and into another world with a low cloud ceiling, now its time to switch to QLF's unique "RADAR" view. QLF features all the major instruments including artificial horizon, altitude, compass climb, revs - plus all the usual aircraft components - flaps - landing gear - trim and rudder - ailerons."
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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH22503. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |
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