Mitsubishi MP 286L

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This laptop was manufactured in October 1988 and is a 286-10hmhz computer in a laptop form factor and has a customized carrying case. Actually, the proper word for this computer might actually be luggable, since the MP286L is almost 4 inches thick and weighs more than 10 pounds. It uses an 11.5 inch LCD standard 1.44 floppy drive, and a MFM 3.5 inch hard drive (type 11) and has a full size keyboard. An interesting feature of this laptop is that the power LED also functions as a reset button when it is pushed.

Model No: MP-2120-42M
Serial No: 3188029

Manufacturer: Mitsubishi
Date: October 1988

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Mitsubishi ML-F80 MSX computer Mitsubishi 1983
Mitsubishi Maxy DT2 Mitsubishi October 1991

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH2232. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


Mitsubishi MP 286L

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