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Super Machine Language Monitor.

ZOOM is an extended machine language monitor for the CBM 64,CBM 128 and BBC computers. An invaluable aidn to the machine code programmer, ZOOM includes a spot assembler, a disassembler, and many useful debugging aids.

The machine assumes that you have a working knowledge of 6502 machine code, and are familiar with the operation of your computer.

Platform : BBC Micro
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Supersoft
Authors :
Date : 1983
Product Code :

Other Software by Supersoft:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Zoom Supersoft BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Word Perfect Supersoft BBC Micro Cassette 1985
Busicalc 3 Supersoft Commodore 64 5.25" Floppy Disk 1987
Cashbook Supersoft Commodore 64 5.25" Floppy Disk 1987

Information About Supersoft:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH21289. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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