Bored of the Rings

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From the far reaches of the west, to the dwarvish caves of the east, the awesome power of the Great Ring was known. Even in the Shire, home of the furry-footed boggits, its evil was feared. All knew of it, all except Fordo Faggins. With his fat, boggit chums, he made merry, undisturbed by the circle of gold his uncle Bimbo claimed he'd "found in the road". 

Then, one day, the familiar grey figure of Grandalf, the old conjuror, came staggering into town. Shortly, a party for all the obese inhabitants of Boggiton was announced.

Fordo, contemplating these things and their relevance to the recent appearance of tall, hooded riders with flaming red eyes, found nothing unusual in it, such was his stupidity. All he knew was that there was going to be a party. And parties meant food.

Platform : BBC Micro
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Silversoft
Authors : Fergus McNeill, Ian Willis
Date : 1985
Product Code : 9781850820345

Other Software by Silversoft:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Starship Enterprise Silversoft ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Orbiter Silversoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1982
Ground Attack Silversoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1982
Cyber Rats Silversoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Slippery Sid Silversoft ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Linkword French (48k) Silversoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Linkword Spanish Silversoft Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
French on the Run Silversoft BBC Micro Cassette 1985
Taffy Turner Silversoft Ltd Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Bored of the Rings Silversoft BBC Micro Cassette 1985

Information About Silversoft:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH20681. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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