The Way of the Exploding Fist

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The Way Of The Exploding Fist, was a triumph on pretty much any format it appeared on, one of the first one on one fighters with multiple moves, such as punches and kicks, blocks and jumps.

Unfortunately, while the hardware of the C16 and Plus 4 were more than capable of handling the game, most games for the 264 series of machines were written for the 16K machine, which sold by far and away the most of the two.

While a select group of programmers managed to produce some fine games for the machines, those trying to port games from machines with three or four times more RAM were always going to struggle, and that was the case here.

Limited to only a few moves, tiny characters, almost zero sound and only two backdrops, this was not a conversion to remember fondly.

A Hungarian made homebrew port of the original 64k game was produced in 1993, and is very close to the C64 original, the TED chip even manages a valiant attempt at the excellent Rob Hubbard tune.

Platform : Commodore C16, Commodore Plus 4
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Ricochet
Authors : Beam Software (Richard Costello)
Date : 1986
Product Code :

Other Software by Ricochet:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Brian Jack's Super Star Challenge Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette Unknown
Geoff Capes Strong Man (Ricochet) Ricochet BBC Micro, Acorn Electron Cassette 1984
Ghostbusters (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1984
Ghostbusters (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1984
Impossible Mission (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
The Way of the Exploding Fist (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1985
Alien 8 (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC Cassette 1985
Way of the Exploding Fist (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future Ricochet Commodore 64 Cassette 1986
Dan Dare (Ricochet) Ricochet Spectrum Cassette 1986
The Official FA Cup Football (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum/ Amstrad/ Schneider Cassette 1986
Starquake (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
Knight Lore (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
The Way of the Exploding Fist Ricochet Commodore C16, Commodore Plus 4 Cassette 1986
Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge (Ricochet) Ricochet Commodore 64 Cassette 1986
Aliens (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (Ricochet) Ricochet Commodore 64 Cassette 1986
Skate Rock Simulator Ricochet Commodore 64 Cassette 1987
Dan Dare II (Ricochet) Ricochet 2 sided - Amstrad & Spectrum Cassette 1987
Impossible Mission (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464/Spectrum Cassette 1987
Tau Ceti (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1987
5th Quadrant (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1987
The Way of the Exploding Fist (Ricochet) Ricochet BBC Micro Cassette 1987
Knightmare (Ricochet) Ricochet Commodore 64 Cassette 1987
The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum/Amstrad Cassette 1987
Knuckle Busters (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1987
Gisburne's Castle (Ricochet) Ricochet BBC Micro Cassette 1988
The Way of the Exploding Fist (Ricochet) Ricochet ZX Spectrum Cassette 1988
Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier (Ricochet) Ricochet Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1988

Information About Ricochet:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH19648. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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