Dunjunz (Disc)

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The Story so far...

To help them on their quest, the Gods have given the four heroes extra powers:

  • The Ranger uses a bow, and his quiver has the power to produce an unlimited supply of arrows.
  • The Wizard has been taught how to cast powerful fireballs.
  • The Barbarian's axe can create clones of itself.
  • The Warrior can draw an infinite number of swords from her sheath.

Each character can only fire a certain number of weapons at any one time; you need magic to maintain the weapon's existence. Each character begins with a different set of fighting attributes. As the game progresses, you will find magical items which boost your character's abilities and so increase your chance of survival. Four people can play this game at the same time, each person controlling his/her character. Each character has their 'own' quarter of the screen and can go round the Dunjunz on their own, getting to treasures first, and even hunting each other; the Barbarian is a good one to start with.

Platform : BBC Micro B and Master Series
Format : 5.25" Floppy Disk
Publisher : Bug-Byte Ltd
Authors : Julian Avis
Date : 1986
Product Code : 5013248000164

Other Software by Bug-Byte Ltd:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Airlift Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Spacewarp Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Tutankhamun's Revenge Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro 5.25" Disk Unknown
ZXAS - Machine Code Assembler (1981) Bug-Byte Ltd Sinclair ZX81 Cassette 1981
Space Pirates Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1982
City Defence Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1982
BBC Chess Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1982
BBC Polaris Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Dragon Quest Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1982
Space Invaders Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Galaxy Wars Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Old Father Time Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
The Graphics Package Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Twin Kingdom Valley Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Sea Lord Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
BBC Music Synthesizer Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Savage Pond Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1985
Cricket Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Tennis Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Skyhawk Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Uranians Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1986
Hunkidory Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Ice Hockey Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro, Acorn Electron Cassette 1986
Dunjunz (Disc) Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro B and Master Series 5.25" Floppy Disk 1986
The Bug-Byte Compilation II Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disk 1986
Dunjunz (Cassette) Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Plan B Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1987
The Bug-Byte Compilation Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro 5.25" Disk 1987
Monkey Nuts Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro Cassette 1988
Star Force Seven Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1988
Plan B2 Bug-Byte Ltd BBC Micro/ Electron Cassette 1988
The Flintstones Bug-Byte Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1998

Information About Bug-Byte Ltd:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH18803. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
  Dunjunz (Disc)
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