Vela Mk 2 Data Logging Unit

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The VELA (Versatile Laboratory Aid and later renamed to Versatile Laboratory Instrument) is a data logging tool that was produced by Data Harvest/Educational Electronics and Leeds University that can be used as a stand alone data logger or connected to a BBC Microcomputer or other suitable computer to allow the downloading of data for analysis.

The VELA was intended to be used in schools and University laboratories to assist in physics and chemistry experiments and with a little imagination it can be used for all sorts of useful data logging applications. It has 4 channels of input which are selectable as +/-250mV, +/-2.5V or +/-25V ranges. Each channel can be used independently and one of the built in programs is a four channel digital volt meter. The VELA also has a set of inputs to measure pulses and these pulses can be used to trigger the start and end point of a data logging sequence and much more. Once the selected data logging program has been run and the data is stored in the VELA, it can be output via an analogue out to an oscilloscope or digital out to a microcomputer. The digital out connector is driven by a Motorola 6821 PIA and has two banks of data and control lines as well as an auxiliary 5V power feed.

The connection used to connect to the the VELA to a BBC Micro requires a 26-pin to 20-pin cable conversion and uses the VELA's CA0-1 control lines and PB0-7 data lines to connect to the BBC Micro's User Port.

Our machine is the Vela Mk 2 with a serial number of 85023809

The information above as well as further details can be found at

Date : 1984

Manufacturer : Educational Electronics

Physical Description : Data logger Power supply Vela to BBC user port ribbon cable ISL4 Physics eprom

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH16958. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

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