Daley Thompson's Super-Test 48K Version

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Missing a couple of the events of the 128K version, and it loads the events one at a time.

Like Daley Thompsons Decathlon the player alternates two keys as fast as possible to gain speed, or rattles a joystick left and right to gain speed and then uses an action button to launch.

The eight events in the 48K version are on day one pistol shooting, cycling, spring board diving and giant slalom.

Day two is rowing, penalties, ski jump and tug of war.






Platform : ZX Spectrum
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Ocean Software Ltd
Authors : Paul Owens, Dan Hartley, Jonathan M. Smith, F. David Thorpe
Date : 1985
Product Code : 5013156010026

Other Software by Ocean Software Ltd:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Operation Wolf Ocean Software Ltd Commodore Amiga 3.5" Floppy Disk Unknown
Mr. Wimpy Ocean Software Ltd. BBC Micro B Cassette 1983
Kong Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Pogo Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Eskimo Eddie Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Match Day Ocean Software Ltd. BBC Micro Cassette 1985
Daley Thompson's Super-Test 48K Version Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
The NeverEnding Story (128K) Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1985
Hunchback II: Quasimodo's Revenge Ocean Software Ltd Amstrad CPC464 Cassette Apr 1985
Laser Basic Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Street Hawk Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
N.O.M.A.D Ocean Software Ltd Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1986
Operation Wolf (The Hit Squad) Ocean Software Ltd Commodore Amiga 3.5" Floppy Disk 1988
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Hit Squad) Ocean Software Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1991

Information About Ocean Software Ltd:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH11012. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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