Sinclair User April 1984

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Sinclair User Issue 25


QL demand to cause delays

Spectrum selected for TV cable  system0

 ZX-81 MODEM ADAPTOR Communications on the ZX-81 by John Lambert.

SPECIAL OFFER Bargain prices on the ZX-81 Universal Modem Adaptor and the Prism Modem 1000.

UTILITIES John Gilbert investigates software which can help you program.

COMPETITION Pit your wits against Sherlock Holmes to win Melbourne House software and books.

MACHINE CODE John Kerrigan shows how to achieve sideways movement for large characters.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Even a Spectrum can learn. J McAllister tells you how.

USER OF THE MONTH What's cooking on the Spectrum? Liz Leckie reports on a computerised gourmet.

SINCLAIR BUSINESS USER Mike Wright assesses software for the serious user.

EDUCATION Theodora Wood examines programs for secondary school children.



Sinclair QL

Ocean software

Protek Software

Griffin software

Thanks to Dave Exton for the magazine


Publication Date : April 1984

Creator : EMAP Business & Computer Publications

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH10493. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Scan of Document: Sinclair User April 1984

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