Computing Books published by Kluwer Academic Publishers

The following is a list of Computing Books published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 1 Computing Books published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Compiling Parallel Loops for High Performance Computers Date: 1993 Compiling Parallel Loops for High Performance Computers

"The exploitation of parallel processing to improve computing speeds is being examined at virtually all levels of computer science, from the study of parallel algorithms to the development of micro-architectures which employ multiple functional units. The most visible aspect of this interest in parallel processing is the commercially available multiprocessor systems which have appeared in the past decade. Unfortunately, the lack of adequate software support for the development of scientific applications that will run efficiently on multiple processors has stunted the acceptance of such systems."

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Author: David Hudak and Santosh Abraham
Platform: Parallel Processing

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