Sinclair ZX81 Games published by ICL

The following is a list of Sinclair ZX81 Games published by ICL in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 11 Sinclair ZX81 Games published by ICL in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
English Literature 2 Date: 1982 English Literature 2

Who wrote 'Song of the Shirt'? Which playwright also played cricket for England? Programs: Poets Playwrights Modern Authors

Software House: ICL

Geography 1 Date: 1982 Geography 1

The computer shows you a map and a list of towns

Software House: ICL

History 1 Date: History 1

From 1066 to 1981, find out when important events occurred

Software House: ICL

Super Programs Date: 1982 Super Programs

Software House: ICL
Author: ICL

Super Programs 1 Date: 1981 Super Programs 1

Five games programs plus easy conversion between pints/gallons and litres

Software House: ICL

Super Programs 2 Date: 1981 Super Programs 2

Five games plus easy conversion between inches/feet/yards and centimetres/metres

Software House: ICL

Super Programs 3 Date: 1981 Super Programs 3

Five games plus currency conversion at will - for example, dollars to pounds

Software House: ICL

Super Programs 4 Date: 1981 Super Programs 4

Five games plus easy conversion between miles per gallon and European fuel consumption figures

Software House: ICL
Author: Various

Super Programs 5 Date: 1981 Super Programs 5

Five games plus easy conversion between English and continental dress sizes

Software House: ICL

Super Programs 6 Date: 1981 Super Programs 6

Six games making full use of the ZX81's moving graphics capability

Software House: ICL

Super Programs 7 Date: 1982 Super Programs 7

Collection of 6 games for the ZX81: Racetrack Chase NIM Tower of Hanoi Docking the Spaceship Golf

Software House: ICL
Author: ICL

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