Searching Penguin Books

Your search for 'Penguin Books' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
A Dictionary of Computers Book  1970 
Accidental Empires Book  1996 
Computers, Managers and Society Book  1984 
Doron Swade Person  Unknown 
Getting the Most from Your BBC Micro Book  1 Nov 1984 
How to Win at Pac-Man Book  1982 
How to Write Adventure Games Book  1984 
Inside the Personal Computer - An Illustrated Introduction in 3 Dimensions Book  1984 
Legacy: One Family, a Cup of Tea and the Company that Took on the World Book  29 Aug 2019 
Rebel Code Book  2001 
The Acorn Guide to the Electron Book  1983 
The Age of Automation Book  1965 
The Beginners Guide to Word Processing on the BBC Microcomputer Model B in VIEW Book  1985 
The Penguin Dictionary of Computers Book  1982 
The Road Ahead Book  1 Jan 1995 
The Soul of A New Machine Book  1982 

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