Searching P M Woodward

Your search for 'P M Woodward' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
ALGOL 68-R Users Guide Book  Apr 1974 
Coral 66 - Language Reference Manual Manual  May 1982 
Coral 66 Pocket Handbook Manual  1976 
ECMA Data Interchange on 3,81mm Manual  Feb 1970 
Introduction to the RS Portable Compiler - Technical Note No. 802 Manual  Aug 1977 
Mike Smith: Memoir Article  Unknown 
Official Definition of Coral 66 Book  1976 
Penny Woodward: Reminiscence Article  Unknown 
RRE Memorandum No. 2601 Book  Feb 1970 
Tom Carrington: the real story of II/11 Article  Unknown 
Users Guide to Algol 68-R Book  Apr 1971 
User's Guide to ALGOL 68-R Manual  1974 

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