Searching John Pinkerton

Your search for 'John Pinkerton' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
55876 LEO Chronicle (with 1955-61 extension) Document  1961 
56600 LEO Development: Maintenance of Long Term Records Document  Oct 1955 
63019 LEO - Statement of Costs and Revenue, 13th Feb 1953 Document  13 Feb 1953 
63967 Northampton Polytechnic Summer School, Mar-Jul 1955 Document  17 Mar 1955 
54842 Summary of Visits made by DT Caminer and JMM Pinkerton, March/April 1958 Document  Mar 1958 
58906 English Electric Marketing Document  5 Mar 1963 
64073 Improvements to Computer Efficiency by Attention to Human Factors, c1970-71 Document  1970 
58136 ICL New Range memoranda and drafts (1969-76) Document  9 May 1969 
63070 Raytheon Computers Document  21 Dec 1950 
64074 Michael Underwood 'Talking to the Computer - Postscript' Document  Jun 2021 
63994 Correspondence regarding visits, May-June 1961 Document  15 May 1961 
63026 June 1954 Quarter End - Correspondence and Trading Analysis Document  Unknown 
63996 Lectures to Outside Institutions, Sep 1961-Mar 1962 Document  29 Sep 1961 
63074 A Note on a Visit to the Mathematical Section of the NPL, August 1951 Document  31 Aug 1951 
30th November 1951 - a momentous day! Blog Post  16 Nov 2021 
A Computer Called LEO Book  2003 
A Short Description of the EDSAC Type Calculator Circuits Used in LEO Article  1951 
Automatic Frequency Control Article  1951 
Barry Fox: Interview, 19 July 2017 64032 Media  19 Jul 2017 
BBC Calling Europe Article  16 Feb 1954 
Biography of John Maurice McClean Pinkerton Article  1998 
Brian Beagley: Life Profile Article  Apr 2022 
Chris Reynolds: Memoir Article  Unknown 
Computers for Business Article  9 Mar 2021 
Cynthia Reid: Commentary Article  May 2020 
Designing a computer for data processing Article  1990 
Ernest Joseph Kaye Person  Unknown 
Ernest Lenaerts Person  1910 
Evolution of Constructional Methods from Radios to Computers Article  Apr 1997 
Explore our LEO Computers Collection Article  Unknown 
Features of the LEO IIC Computer Article  Dec 1959 
Hardware in Europe Article  May 1965 
Ian White: Interview, 6 December 2016 53386 Media  6 Dec 2016 
ICL News, 10th Anniversary Issue Document  1978 
Institution of Engineering & Technology Company  Unknown 
Jean Cox (Jean Elliott): Interview, 17 July 2017 53391 Media  17 Jul 2017 
John Pinkerton Person  Unknown 
John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office Article  Oct 2001 
John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office Article  2001 
John Pinkerton: Interview Article  1975 
John Pinkerton: Self Interview Article  23 Aug 1988 
John Simmons Person  1902 
John V Panter: Reminiscence Article  2020 
John Winterbottom Person  Unknown 
John Winterbottom: Memoir Article  Unknown 
Key Points in 2001 Article  2017 
Large-Scale Computing in the Seventies Article  1966 
LEO I: A story in photographs Blog Post  8 Aug 2020 
LEO Women on International Women's Day 2021 Blog Post  5 Mar 2021 
LEO: History and Technical Description Article  1954 
LEO: The First Business Computer Book  Mar 1994 
LEO: The Incredible Story of the World's First Business Computer Book  1998 
Matt Taub: Reminiscence Article  Unknown 
Memoirs of a Computer Pioneer Book  1985 
Operating and Engineering Experience Gained with LEO Article  1954 
Patent Application: Improvements in and relating to data transfer apparatus Article  29 May 1952 
Performance Problems with LEO I Article  Aug 1975 
Ray Shaw: Interview 27th September 2016 53377 Media  27 Sep 2016 
Searching the sources Blog Post  20 Oct 2021 
Stephen Evans: Memoir Article  Unknown 
Taming LEO – Overcoming the Inherent Unreliability of LEO Article  17 Jan 1991 
The Early History of LEO: The First Data Processing Computer Article  1987 
The Evolution of Design in a Series of Computers Article  1 Jan 1961 
The Formation of ICL and the New Range Article  2019 
The Influence of the Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory on the LEO Project Article  1992 
The LEO System Article  1954 
The Machine that Changed the World: Inventing the Future Media  9 May 2012 
Timesharing History: the UK Story Article  2004 
User-Driven Innovation: The Worlds First Business Computer Book  1994 
Valerie Grose: Further Reminiscences Article  2021 
Valerie Grose: Reminiscence Article  Unknown 
Widows from East Sheen and Esher gather for tribute to their husbands' pioneering computer work Article  6 Nov 2014 
63079 Logical Design of EDSAC II with special reference to Micro-programming Document  14 May 1952 
63198 Notes for Presentation [to HM Treasury?] Document  Feb 1959 
63086 Notes: Magnetron Valve and Filter Networks Document  29 Oct 1952 
63090 Note on Colloquium at Cambridge by R.C. Price-Hinton Document  21 Jan 1953 
Memo regarding P1/3 for March Q/E. Period, 27th March 1952 Document  27 Mar 1952 
63093 Visit to N.P.L., 26th Jan 1953 Document  13 Feb 1953 
63096 Photographic copy of a journal article requested by John Pinkerton, Feb 1953 Document  20 Jan 1953 
63099 Progress at Cambridge, Apr-June 1955 Document  19 May 1955 
63107 Elliott 405 Computer Document  21 Feb 1956 
63109 Visits to Elliot, Ferranti and English Electric, June-July 1956 Document  20 Jun 1956 
63122 Nought-One Club notes, 14 Oct 1959 Document  14 Oct 1959 
60593 Printing Instructions in the Reconverter, LEO I Document  Oct 1949 
60495 Ernest Lenaerts looking at a LEO I teleprinter Photograph  1950 
60542 LEO I Build Team Photograph  1950 
60737 John Pinkerton at the engineer's console of LEO I Photograph  1954 
60490 Duke of Edinburgh Visit to Minerva Rd Photograph  22 Mar 1960 
60989 Prototype Document Reader Photograph  1959 
60990 Prototype Document Reader in use Photograph  1959 
60992 Lector Document Reader Photograph  Jul 1963 
54352 Letter from John Pinkerton to John Simmons Document  23 Nov 1948 
54366 John Pinkerton with early LEO III Photograph  12 Jul 1960 
54425 Letter from John Simmons to John Pinkerton Document  26 Nov 1948 
54426 Letter from Maurice Wilkes to John Simmons Document  1 Dec 1948 
67807 Lyons Engineers Photograph  Unknown 
67808 John Winterbottom Photograph  Unknown 
67827 LEO Drinks Reception Photograph  Unknown 
68468 Award Ceremony Group Photograph Photograph  Unknown 

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