Searching Creative Computing Press

Your search for 'Creative Computing Press' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
A Parent's Guide to Gaming Info Page  7 Apr 2020 
Apple launches the iPod Event  23 Oct 2001 
Basic Computer Games TRS-80 Edition Volume II Book  1980 
Basic Computer Games: Microcomputer edition Book  1 Jan 1978 
Basic Computer Games: Microcomputer Edition (Fourth Printing) Book  1 Oct 1979 
Eryl Wynn-Williams invents the scale-of-two counter Event  1938 
IBM releases the System 360 range of commercial computers Event  7 Apr 1964 
Microsoft announces Bill Gates transition Event  25 Jun 2006 
More BASIC Computer Games Book  1979 
Robert Noyce patents the integrated circuit Event  25 Apr 1961 
The Best of Byte: Volume 1 Book  1977 
The Best of Creative Computing: Volume 1 Book  1977 
The Best of Creative Computing: Volume 2 Book  Nov 1979 
The Creative Apple Book  1982 
The Creative TRS-80 Book  1983 
The Manchester Baby, the world's first stored program computer, runs its first program Event  21 Jun 1948 
The Best of Byte Volume 1 Magazine  1977 

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