Searching Computer Sciences International

Your search for 'Computer Sciences International' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
A History of International Research Networking: The People Who Made It Happen Book  2010 
Box 697 - Technical Manuals and other similar documents as per description Storage Box  Unknown 
Box 847 - various documents/manuals Storage Box  Unknown 
Report on Algol 68 As a Programming Language For Government Data Processing Applications Volume II Book  1969 
Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68 Vol 1 Book  1969 
Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68 Vol 1b Manual  1969 
The Auerbach Annual 1973 Best Computer Papers Book  1973 
The Best Computer Papers of 1971 Book  1971 
UK connects to ARPANET Event  25 Jul 1973 
Vint Cerf Person  Unknown 

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