Searching Clifford

Your search for 'Clifford ' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
Atanasoff declared official inventor of the computer Event  19 Oct 1973 
Commodore 64 Games Book Book  1983 
Computers and the Imagination Book  Aug 1991 
Ian Porteous Person  Unknown 
Over The Spectrum 3 Software - Game  1983 
Stan Holwill: My LEO Involvement & Memories Article  Unknown 
Star Trooper Software - Game  1984 
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer is completed Event  1942 
The Atanasoff–Berry Computer is first conceived Event  1937 
The Wizard & The Princess Software - Game  1 Jan 1982 
Time Destroyers Software - Game  Unknown 
VIC Innovative Computing Book  1982 
Zero - November 1990 Magazine  1 Nov 1990 

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