Searching Academic Press

Your search for 'Academic Press' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
57853 "A Comparative Study of the Basic Language and the Synthetic Option Proposals for ICL’s New Range" (1969) Document  4 Jul 1969 
A Primer of ALGOL 60 Programming Book  Jan 1962 
Aaron Swartz dies Event  11 Jan 2013 
Advances in Computers Vol 12 Book  1971 
ALGOL 60 Implementation Book  24 Jun 1964 
Clustan User Manual - Cluster analysis software - Fourth Edition Manual  Jun 1987 
David Wheeler Person  1927 
Early Years of Academic Computing Book  Jun 2014 
ICL PERQ 2 T1 Workstation Computer  1983 
Introduction to the Graphical Kernel System (GKS) Book  1982 
Memories - Operating the Cadbury Orion computer in the mid-1960s Article  Jul 2017 
New Computer Architectures Book  1984 
Principles of Program Design Book  1975 
Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost its Edge in Computing Book  3 Mar 2017 
SGI Indigo 2 Computer  1993 
SGI Indigo 2 Impact Computer  1993 
SGI Indigo 2 xZ Computer  1993 
Software Engineering Volume 1 Computers and Information Sciences Book  1970 
Software Engineering Volume 2 Computers and Information Sciences Book  1971 
Structured Programming Book  1974 
The ALPHA Automatic Programming System Book  1971 
The Research and Academic Users' Guide to the IBM Personal Computer: Volume 2 Book  1988 
LEO Catalogue Update: 8th April 2021 Blog Post  8 Apr 2021 
LEO Catalogue Update: 22nd June 2021 Blog Post  22 Jun 2021 

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