Inca Curse

 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Sinclair ZX81 > Inca Curse

Deep in the jungles of South America lies an undisturbed Inca temple. It is your job to take as much treasure from within as possible, and then escape back to safety.

Platform : Sinclair ZX81
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Artic Software
Authors : Artic Computing
Date : 1981
Product Code :

Other Software by Artic Software:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Inca Curse Artic Software Sinclair ZX81 Cassette 1981
Toolkit Artic Software Sinclair ZX81 Cassette 1982

Information About Artic Software:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH72888. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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