RAM Doubler

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This was a piece of software to get rid of all insufficient memory messages forever. It started off as a Macintosh programme to reduce the amount of swapping to disk.

Unfortunately a competing company produced another programme called SoftRam that did absolutley nothing, and the fallout and plummeting faith in these products, brought down the entire RAM saving software industry. Along with the cheaper options for RAM.

Platform : PC
Format : 3.5 Disk
Publisher : Connectix
Authors : Connectix
Date : 1995
Product Code : 5390102406370

Other Software by Connectix:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Connectix PowerBook Utilities 2.0 Connectix Apple PowerBook Disk 3.5 1992
RAM Doubler Connectix PC 3.5 Disk 1995
Virtual PC 2.0 Connectix Apple Power Macintosh CD-ROM 1998
Virtual PC 5.0 Connectix Apple Power Macintosh CD-ROM 2001

Information About Connectix:

Item Manufacturer Date
Connectix Corporation 1 Jan 1988




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH69766. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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