Links Championship Edition

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New for 2002! Includes Links 2001 course designer, Links Expansion Pack and new courses.

Platform : Windows
Format : CD ROM
Publisher : Zone
Authors : Microsoft
Date : 2002
Product Code :

Other Software by Zone:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Zaxxan Starzone ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Power Pack (Tape 26) Codemasters/Binary Zone/Prisim Leisure/Zeppelin/Active Developments Commodore 64 Cassette 1992
Complete Quake CD (PC Zone, Xmas 1997) PC Zone PC CD ROM Dec 1997
Links Championship Edition Zone Windows CD ROM 2002

Information About Zone:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH60129. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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