Strange Odyssey

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Text adventure in which the player must use a teleporter to travel to alien worlds where they can collect treasure and scavenge for parts to repair their spaceship, which is currently stranded on an asteroid. 

Platform : Acorn Electron
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Adventure International
Authors : Scott Adams
Date : 1985
Product Code :

Other Software by Adventure International:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Golden Voyage Adventure International Dragon 32 Cassette Unknown
Questprobe Featuring the Hulk Adventure International Commodore 64 Cassette Unknown
Golden Voyage Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette Unknown
Questprobe featuring Spiderman Adventure International UK Cassette Unknown
Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon Adventure International ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Zossed in Space Adventure International TRS-80 Cassette 1980
Gremlins Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1983
The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Adventure International (UK) Acorn Electron Cassette 1984
The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Adventure International Commodore 64 Cassette 1984
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon Adventure International Acorn Electron Cassette 1984
The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
QuestProbe Featuring Spider-Man Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Voodoo Castle Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Adventureland Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Savage Island - Part One Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Savage Island - Part Two Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Robin of Sherwood Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Strange Odyssey Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Secret Mission Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Pyramid of Doom Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Mystery Fun House Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Pirate Adventure Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
The Count Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Gremlins - The Adventure Adventure International Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4 Cassette 1984
Strange Odyssey Adventure International Acorn Electron Cassette 1985
Ghost Town Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1986
Scott Adams Scoops Adventure International BBC Micro Cassette 1987

Information About Adventure International:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH42336. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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