Fantasia Diamond

 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Acorn > BBC Micro Software > Hewson Consultants > Fantasia Diamond

Reclaim the magnificent Fantasia Diamond, a family heirloom, and rescue Boris the Masterspy from an imposing fortress in this text adventure.

Platform : BBC Micro
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Hewson Consultants
Authors : Kim Topley
Date : 1984
Product Code :

Other Software by Hewson Consultants:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Southern Belle Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette Unknown
Nightflite - Flight Simulation Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette 1982
Quest Adventure Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette Aug 1982
Nightflite II Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Heathrow Air Traffic Control Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
3D Space-Wars Hewson Consultants Ltd. ZX Spectrum Cassette 1983
Backgammon Hewson Consultants Sinclair Spectrum Cassette Feb 1983
BBC Nightflite Hewson Consultants BBC Micro Cassette Oct 1983
Heathrow Air Traffic Control Hewson Consultants BBC Micro,Electron Cassette 1984
3D Lunattack Hewson Consultants Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
3D Space-Wars Hewson Consultants Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
3D Seiddab Attack Hewson Consultants Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
Fantasia Diamond Hewson Consultants BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Knight Driver Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Avalon Hewson Consultants ZX Spectrum Cassette 1984
Technician Ted Hewson Consultants Amstrad CPC 464 Cassette Dec 1984
Zapp Hewson Consultants Amstrad CPC 464 Cassette 1985
Fantasia Diamond Hewson Consultants Enterprise 128 Cassette 1985
City Slicker Hewson Consultants Ltd ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Quazatron (48k/128k) Hewson Consultants Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1986
Four Smash Hits Hewson Consultants Amstrad CPC464 3.0 Disk 1987
Evening Star (Disc) Hewson Consultants BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disc 1987
Evening Star (Cassette) Hewson Consultants BBC Micro Cassette 1987
Exolon Hewson Consultants Amstrad CPC464 cassette 1987
Southern Belle Hewson Consultants BBC Micro B/ Electron Cassette 1987
Uridium Hewson Consultants BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disk 1987
Impossaball Hewson Consultants Sinclair ZX Spectrum Cassette 1987
Impossaball Hewson Consultants Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 1987
Heavy Metal Paradroid Hewson Consultants Commodore 64 cassette 1987
Ranarama Hewson Consultants Ltd Amstrad CPC464 Cassette 8 Apr 1987

Information About Hewson Consultants:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH19349. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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